/Harm is ubiquitous but repair is rare/ and "therapy is what happens in the absence of the possibility of repairing relation."

Well those are gonna stick in the nose of my brain like cabbage in a closed trash can! Thank you.

I find therapy most useful for tracing the kinds of repair that might be possible (in me? in my reactions? in the container/context? in between us?) if it doesn't seem like the big, branded Repair is possible yet. And certainly it reminds me that I cannot control my relative, that they bring something to "us" that is quite literally beyond me. Do we need that humility reminder?

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I was thinking of how often therapy emerges in relation to grief. What we might have said. What went unsaid. And it might be grief at losing a friend or partner or relative or colleague, where losing is anything from death to a breakup.

Part of the book I'm trying to think about is repair as ordinary, not big. As a practice and habit. Perhaps this is why libations to ancestors are so important.

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Yes little and big deaths where repair is not possible yet where healing can happen.

A dream after Grandpa died helped me feel resolved, re-membered. It doesn't take much.

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definitely better than the infernal vegetable but they grow in the same field. it would, in fact, not surprise me one bit if we are to learn therapy is also descended from the brassica family. But this essay was delicious, and i feel like i have a lot to gain by thinking and digesting from it.

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some of my best friends . . .

I'm glad the tangles of the prose might do something

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this was excellent, thank you. helped my brain make sense of some things

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thank you!

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